Sunday 29 January 2012

Fashion: Constructed Image

Task One

Irving Penn
June 1950 The Black And White Idea 

I chose this image by Irving Penn as an Iconic fashion image the main reason being at the time it stood out so much amugnst other fashion images of the time. When looking through a book ....................... at the time the VOGUE front covers were all about colours and this one was the pure opposite.
The high contrast image leaves much of the details out which lat in the blacks, however the face holds much tone which exaggerates the direction of the eyes which are looking away from the viewers gaze. Some details specially in the hat, look as though they are more drawn on, allot more graphical rather than a photo.


Task Two :

Photography Fashion Scouting
Similar style to

Image From The Sartorialist 

I wanted to try both styles for the taking street photos of peoples fashion, or people that interest us.
One style used in the top image of the man in the suit in Camden was to take the shot without subject knowing, resulting in a very natural pose and over all image and the second style i wanted to try was to go up to strangers and ask them, tell them what i was doing and why, start some small talk and then get the photo that way. I found the second was a little easier and less nerving.

Photography Fashion Scouting
Similar style to

Photography Fashion Scouting
Similar style to

Friday 6 January 2012

Unit Assessment: Semester one

Environment One

For this project i decided to look into the environments we spend most time in, environments we create to spend our time in. I wanted to look into the fake environment which we now look at to be natural wet its fully man made. The basic idea came from studying the pastiche photo we had to research and shoot. After looking at Robert Adams image of On signal Hill i read in his images the balance of natural and man made environment, with the pollution in the sky and the two thirds city it seems the balance has slipped. 
I decided to take this idea to an extreme and an environment where there is nothing natural in the sense of light, location and in a way all the surroundings. So i took my location for the idea to a shopping mall. 

My Pastiche 


Environment Two

After looking at photographers such as Philip Lorca diCorcia and Adam Evens, i decided that what makes a city a city is the people in that given environment, the constant change of people in an area and the diversity of people in what is in perspective of things a relativity small area. Whilst doing this i also managed to explore how people stay in their own spaces whilst being in such a big crowd. How even though their forced to be so close they keep their distance.
I started by looking at the amazing business of the city, how no one comes together other by non intentional  and or by convenience, how we almost blur into one. However after looking past the hustle of the city and saw people and took my self out of the busyness of the city, this is what triggered ideas about peoples space towards each other. 

Final Chosen Image One

Final Chosen Image Two 

Final Chosen Image Three 
Pastiche 2
Pastiche of Brassi 



My object shoot is about the economic downturn we are all facing, looking at the classics of the genre of still life paintings. I used both classic objects to convey the concept and also more contemporary. The house of credit cards was almost a play on the saying, Living on a house of cards basically meaning what we're used to cant last, referencing the state of us knowingly spending money that just isnt actually there. The deflated globe is  to show how its a global matter and does actually effect all of us. Chocolate coins again just the fakeness of money, the instability of our economic climate. 



Im really disappointed with this image, no fault to this subject but the one that confirmed to do the shoot, then drop out pretty much the day before. My idea was to take inspiration from the Martin Schoellers celebrity photos and turn it on its head in the way that instead of taking people who have been placed on a pedestal and brought down to a mortal almost available to be judged level. I wanted to take something people look down on and bring it to a level where people cant help but be confronted by it and made to examine it.